Remote kitchen

Eat at home like in our own restaurant. Recipes and videos from our kitchen crew – always new.

Greetings from the sipgate kitchen

Home office to cook at home

In our own restaurant we serve different food every day – freshly cooked by our three chefs Antonio, Christoph and Stefan. We join each other for breakfast and lunch, exchange ideas and enjoy dishes from all over the world.

During our time in home office, our kitchen crew developed recipes for the whole family, gave tips on shopping and showed us, how and what to cook. We were inspired to unusual dishes, learned new things, tried variations and exchanged ideas – a little bit of office normality in our new home office life.

Our videos for Digitale Leute Summit

Our chefs

Antonio has been shaping the sipgate kitchen for several years. He loves Asian streetfood from Thailand to Japan, writes burger cookbooks, and runs the project „street kitchen“ with his buddy. His favorite dish: Spaghetti Bolognese, prepared by his mother.
Antonio, with us for four years.

Specialty: Asian Streetfood.

Christoph learned classical French cuisine from star chef Jean-Claude Bourgueil, but mixes it with influences from around the world. He goes into raptures when he thinks of Rheinischer Sauerbraten with red cabbage, dumplings, and raisins – of course, according to his mother’s recipe.
Christoph, with us for two years.

Specialty: French Crossover.

Stefan enriches our kitchen since last September with his passion for Mediterranean cuisine and the new American cuisine. During his 23 years à la carte, he has discovered the farm to table movement and especially loves the creative freedom at sipgate.
Stefan, with us for thirteen months.

Specialty: New American cuisine.

Say hello to sipgate

sipgate creates digital services in and beyond the context of telephony. There are currently 230 people working fully remote in their home offices with a lot of fun.

Since 2010 everything about sipgate is agile. We are open-hearted and willing to learn. Doing things for ourselves is one of our core beliefs: A great variety of expertise enables us to keep software development, UX design and product development all in-house.

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